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The big Jyotish event of Saturn transit in the sign of Aquarius (Shani Gochara in Kumbha)

Writer's picture: Acharya ManishaAcharya Manisha

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

Transit of planets trigger the events in the life of a person as promised in his/her horoscope . In particular the transit of slow moving planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu impact the life of a native more as they remain in a sign for a long duration.

Shani transited to Aquarius on 17th January, 2023 and will remain there till 29th March, 2025


Saturn or Shani graha transits a zodiac sign for 2 and 1/2 years roughly. Saturn holds the key to our karma. Without saturn, there is no activation of any event. It is the ruler of 10th house of natural zodiac which signifies karma/profession and status and also rules the 11th house of gains, achievements and punishments in the natural zodiac. It is the karma karaka, significator of all actions - karma we do in the present life (Kriyamana karma) and also what we experience. It loves justice and during it's dasha and transit we reap the results of our past karmas. Hence it's transit (gochara) holds a lot of importance. It's energy is constrictive as opposed to Jupiter's energy which is expansive. It can show our limitations and restrictions. It is dukha Karaka meaning signifying sorrow. It is vata graha having dominance of air element.


Why Is Shani's transit So Important?

Shani being karma karaka ( significator for work, profession, every action ) wherever it goes, it triggers karma related to that house (bhava) in our horoscope. So the results of Saturn transit will signify different things for natives with different lagna and moon rashi .

Shani also has Poorna drishti (complete aspect) on the houses 3rd and 10th from itself. This drishti gives growth through hard work. It gives 3/4th aspect on the opposite house. So those houses are also affected. The 3rd aspect is where our self-effort is there, 7th aspect shows the desire of the planet and so we need to tread in balance with regards to the significations of this house ; and the 10th aspect of Shani is the bhava where our most karma will be performed. Then there is detox or cleaning up happening in the house wherever Cancer (Karka rashi) falls because Kumbha is 8th sign from there.

Saturn had been in Capricorn since 2019 with only a short move into Aquarius in between. On 17th Jan2023 , it has moved to Aquarius and will remain there till 29th march, 2025

Aquarius (Kumbha) is the moolatrikona sign of Shani.. means Shani treats this sign as his office and this rashi is most conducive for Saturn to impart its significations. He is happily at work here and so considered to be in dignity. Kumbha rashi is a sign for innovation, research and out of the box thinking; and Shani gets busy implementing his duties according to this nature. He works through Venus and is most friendly to Venus and signs ruled by it.

Please note that here we are talking about sidereal zodiac.



You can refer to the charts below to understand the language of jyotish.

A horoscope comprises of the bhavas ( houses )- contexts of life, the rashis ( zodiac sign therein) and grahas (planets).


We analyse the shani transit from two reference points of lagna and Moon.

From lagna – Shani's transit as seen from lagna has to do with our perspective and attitude, our intellectual reasoning that affects our decisions regarding the house Shani transits and aspects. Shani forces us to rethink and come over our prejudices because lagna is about our preferences according to our likes and dislikes.

From Moon – Moon being our mind and our connection to people, groups and society in general , Shani's transit results from moon's position is what we generally notice more. It is the events, circumstances around us , related to our interactions in the world.

According to eminent astrologer Dr. B.V Raman, transit of Saturn is beneficial when it happens in 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th or 11th signs from the lagna. It is problematic over 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th from lagna/ascendant.

if seen from Moon, then beneficial transit of Shani is when it is moving over 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th houses from the moon rashi.

But this is not a fixed rule because a lot depends upon the overall chart and yogas that Shani is triggering.


So now we will see what we can expect in the upcoming two and a half years for natives of all twelve lagnas.

For Aries (Mesha) lagna , Shani is in the 11H of gains and older brother. It is aspecting the lagna (intelligence, personality), 5H ( creativity, power, fame, education, children) and 8H (transformation)

For Taurus (vrishabha) lagna , Shani is transiting the 10H ( kriyamana karma, profession, status). It is aspecting 12H ( expenditure, investment, hospital, foreign, ashram, jail, meditation) , 7H ( marriage , partnership, business) and 4H ( home, mother, comfort, peace, vehicle)

For Gemini (Mithuna) lagna , Shani is transiting over the 9H (Bhagya, fortune, father, Guru). It aspects 11H (gains, networks and elder brother), 6H (enemies, disease, debt, shadripu) and 3H (parakrama, courage, self -effort and communications).

For Cancer (karka) lagna, Shani is transiting the 8H (nija dosha, transformation, chronic disease, insurance and inheritance). It aspects 10H (of status and profession), 5H (of education, children and fame and power) and 2H (of wealth, food and speech).

For Leo (Simha) lagna , Shani is moving over the 7H (relationships, marriage and business). It is aspecting 9H (fortune , father, Guru and temple), 4H (of home, property, vehicle, mother, comfort) and lagna 1H of self, intelligence, personality, name, fame and health.

For Virgo (Kanya) lagna , Shani is transiting the 6H (of enemies, disease, debt and shadripu) . Its aspects 8H (transformation, chronic disease, inheritance and insurance) ; 3H (of communications, younger siblings, courage and effort) and 12 H (expenditure, investment, hospital, foreign travel, jail, ashram)

For Libra (Tula) lagna , Shani is now moving over the 5H (of education, children and innate creative intelligence), it will aspect 7H (relationships and partnerships); 2H ( that of wealth, food and speech); 11H (of achievements, networking, older brother and gains).

For Scorpio (Vrishchika) lagna, Shani is now transiting over the 4H (home, comfort, mother) It aspects 6H (disease, debt, enemies, service), 1H (body and personality), 10H (of work, professions and status) .

For Sagittarius (Dhanu) lagna, Shani is moving over the 3H (of siblings, communications, self-effort and courage); it will aspect 5H (of education, children, creative intelligence, will power); 12H (of expenditure, investment, foreign , hospitals, confinement) and 9H (of fortune, father, Guru , temple and higher knowledge)

For Capricorn (Makara/Nakra) lagna , Shani is moving on the 2H (of wealth, money, banking, speech, family and food). Shani aspects 4H of home, comforts, mother, vehicle), 11H (of gains, achievements and elder brother ) and 8H (of transformation, inheritance and insurance).

For Aquarius (Kumbha) lagna, Shani is now on the 1H lagna (personality, body, health, intelligence) Shani aspects 3H (of siblings, communication, self-effort and courage) ; 10H (of status and profession) and 7H (of marriage , relationships and partnership).

For Pisces (Meena) lagna, Shani is moving over the 12 H (of loss, expenditure, foreign travel, hospital, ashram). It will aspect 2H (of money, wealth, food and family); 9H (fortune, father, religion, Guru and temple, higher education) and 6H (of disease, enemy, debts, service)



The transit of Saturn is also seen from the placement of moon in the natal chart. When it transits in a house previous to chandra rashi, family and private life comes into focus. When it transits over the moon rashi, then native's health is more into picture and when it transits over the rashi ahead of the bhava where the moon is placed , then wealth and close friends takes focus .

This whole period (the 7 and a half years) is called SaddheSati. The good or bad results depend upon many factors like the swarna/lauhadi stithi , the ashtakvarga of the bhavas and the nakshatra Shani is transiting.

With Shani transiting Aquarius now, natives with Moon in Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are currently in this period.

When Saturn transits 4th or 8th sign from where natal moon is, that is called Kantaka Shani and Ashtama Shani respectively. These times are particularly difficult specially when coinciding with similar transit in D-9 chart (Navamsha varga )

With Shani transiting Aquarius, natives with Moon in Scorpio and Cancer are undergoing this period.

Exactly what events take place depends upon the individual's horoscope and many factors contribute to the manifestation of events. Mainly what Dasha - Antardasha (MD-AD) the native is running, which planets occupy and aspect the concerned bhava and also aspect of other transiting planets.



  • Shani being karma karaka and of Shudra varna, it demands hard work and service to others. So first remedy whenever hit by a saturn malefic effect is to start giving in the society to people who are lesser privileged than you. Daan is most important for manushya. It may be in the form of money, effort, time, etc

  • Going to a Shani temple every Saturday and offering black dal (lentils), sesame oil/mustard oil, iron articles, etc is very good.

  • Lighting a lamp (diya) under peepal tree on saturday is very beneficial.

  • Offering dal and rice/atta for langar in a Gurudwara on saturday also removes our physical health problems.

  • Reading Shani Chalisa on Saturdays and Hanuman Chalisa on Tuesdays is highly recommended.

  • Avoid lethargy and procrastination so that Shani does not give you pain.

  • Learn to see, face and live the reality of the situations that Shani brings.

  • Be careful of what karmas you perform.


To know more about how what karmas Saturn is going to trigger in your life and what events will manifest, book your reading here.

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