Jyotish is one of the six Vedangas, the limbs of Veda. Jyoti means light and so Jyotish is the Eye of the Kaal Purusha, giving correct vision to reach The Truth.

Jyotish is the study of time, of Kaala. We experience time in many ways. Though time looks linear to us if we see our life from birth to death. But actually it is cyclic in nature. We die and are born again. With an intermittent time in other Lokas i.e. realms.
“A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma. His horoscope is a challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable past and its probable future results. But the natal chart can be rightly interpreted only by men of intuitive wisdom: these are few.”
- Paramhansa Yogananda
The quality of time is seen from assessing Panchanga meaning the five limbs of time. This is done under the study of Muhurata.
Prediction and Remedies
The events occurring in a native's life are studied in Hora Shastra using his Janma Kundali or Horoscope. Horoscope is nothing but the data and pictorial representation of the picture of sky at the time of birth of an individual taken from his place of birth.
The events happen as per the Dasha (timing system unique to the native) and Gochara (current transit) of planets. This forms the predictive science of Jyotish.
Can the future be changed ? To understand this we have to go deeper and delve into the mechanics of Karma - thought emotion intention and action . So correcting the deep rooted Sanskaras (impressions) using various remedies and rituals is the most important part of Jyotish.