Introduction to VASTU
Vastu Shastra is the vedic science of architecture and holds the key to harmonized living spaces leading to a happy balanced life. Vastu comes from the word Vaas meaning to stay. Niwas is a habitable space. It is important to know that
A balanced home is a Kavacha or Shield
A balanced home creates a better life and helps manifest our highest potential
Vastu is the complete knowledge of how a building where we live or work can impact our lives and a guide to using the energies therein to our practical advantage. Our ancient texts describe planning and design of homes for
Proper sunlight and ventilation
Utilizing space optimally
Maintaining aesthetics, harmony and flow
Achieving functionality
Achieving happiness and success in life
How energies develop in spaces
There are four principal forces in universe: electromagnetic force, weak force, strong force and Gravitational force
For purpose of Vastu, these can be categorized as follows:
Cosmic Energies: from sun, moon, planets, stars, etc.
Earth Energies: electromagnetic field of earth due to its molten iron core, radio waves in resonance with earth, geopathic stresses etc.

We feel different in the morning when the sun rises (in east) and totally different when sun is in south at it’s peak, and so on .. These variations in our physical, mental, emotional states through the day and night are the cycles of our Doshas or Modulations - Vata , Pitta and Kapha. And one of the three Gunas- Rajas , Tamas, Sattva - dominates in succession. Our Ritucharya and Dincharya in Ayurveda is based on the cycles of seasons and day/night.
Solar energy in various directions at any place creates a fixed pattern of energy within that defined space which is given the name of Vastu Purush Mandala. There are distinctive attributes of each energy of this set of 45 energies. The variation in earth energies further impacts the quality and strength of this energy matrix comprising of 33 devatas and 12 asuras.
All manifestation happens according to the quality and strength of these energies.
The sunrise/sunset changes according to place and season. So earth’s magnetic axis is taken as the fixed reference direction at any place.
Soil, mountains, oceans, rivers, slopes, volcanoes
Infrastructure like roads, flyovers, electricity poles, parks, etc.
Location as in corner house or at the end of a road, etc.
Surrounding structures like temples, buildings, high-rise apartments, etc.
Dwar- vedha means an electrical pole or a tree obstructing the entrance
Any enclosed space is a like mini-universe.
The principles of Vastu are universal and applicable to all as they define the best alignment of any activity or object in a particular zone of the house/office/factory based on the major attributes, Guna , Dosha and Tattva of that zone.
Every individual is also born with a particular Prakriti as ascertained through the horoscope and/or by the Vaidya (ayurvedic doctor) through Naadi Pariksha and will benefit by sleeping/working in the zone most aligned to his own nature.
Every individual has a Varna (classification as per profession suited) as confirmed from the horoscope and he would benefit from facing in a certain direction while at work.
The problems of an individual as seen from the timeline in his horoscope can also be corrected from the space he occupies.
So now that you know a little about this amazing science of Vastu, it's time to apply it in your own home and office!
You can consult me
or learn to do it yourself.
Very clearly and precisely explained basics of Vastushastra.Your long experience of Jyotish and Vaastu is evident.