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10 Essential Steps to Good Vastu

Writer's picture: Acharya ManishaAcharya Manisha

Updated: Nov 13, 2022

Know what goes behind the scenes when you take a Vastu consultation for your home or office


1. INTERACTION WITH CLIENT & DETAILING ON PLAN: For best vastu results, the issues that the client is facing and the causes for those problems have to be established and identified correctly by the consultant. Interaction with the client and observation of the house/office/factory both are necessary to achieve this.

Detailing of whole space is done by marking every activity, all structural components, every object, prominent colours and shapes in the ‘to the scale’ floor plan carefully. The vastu consultant may himself/herself or any of his trained staff can do this. Incase the plan is not available with the client, the dimensions have to be taken by a draughtsman and drawing is created using any good software like AutoCadd or SweetHome3D

2. ESTABLISHING THE WORKING ENERGY MATRIX: The correct energy flow in the bhawan (structure/building wherein all life’s events play out and are experienced) has to be established by the consultant. This forms the main working of the consultant and is the basis of all remedies and balancing. It is a tedious process where all aspects of the client’s life and also of his family/colleagues/workers, etc who use that space have to clearly correlate to that energy pattern. Lot of effort and time goes into this. Half the battle is won when the working grid is established.

“If you want to find the secrets of universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - NICOLA TESLA

3. ENTRANCE EFFECTS: The energy matrix or the vastu purusha mandala creation has been extensively explained in our ancient texts. There are different systems used for different kind of buildings. A temple uses a different padavinyas than a residence; a township requires a different one.

The 45-pada system normally applicable has 45 types of energy fields ( specific frequency and radiation) in the constructed or defined space working together to affect the various attributes of life of all inhabitants or users . The peripheral energy fields are 32 in number and these are where the entrance/s and doors to the structure are located. These exact padas have a great role to play because they become the link between the occupants and the outer world /environment/universe. The first step is to block the entries giving a negative result in life with suitable remedial measures. These are prescribed based upon the PanchTattvas ( 5 elements of creation ) and Feng Shui concepts. There are techniques to activate the good padas by way of creating virtual entries which is done at a later point after the basic vastu balancing has been done.

4. ANALYSING 8 DIRECTIONS AND 16 ZONES : The next step is to carefully analyse all the directions for :-

i) any distortion in the elements - PanchaTattva or the 5 elements (earth, wind, sky, fire, and water) are the basis of the cycle of creation, sustenance and dissolution. The elemental composition defines the form and functionality of any object or person or an event. The descent of these tattvas on the earth plane happens in certain directions of the built up structure. These Four Sub Directions are

1- Northeast (Ishan Kona) - Water 2- Southeast (Agneya Kona) - Fire 3- Southwest (Nairitya Kona) - Earth 4- Northwest (vayavya Kona)_ Air

If any direction has an elemental mismatch, it leads to distortion in the results of the activities related to that direction or a failure in fructification of results is seen. Removing this mismatch forms the basic vastu remedy.

ii) any misalignment of activity - Every direction supports some activities and is not suitable for others. E.g. toilet is not recommended in north-east direction but this direction is good for a puja-place; overhead water tank is ok near South west but an underground water tank is not; kitchen is good in South east but move it a little to left of that and it will give problem; there is a place where the display in a showroom ought to be and another for the cash counter, a machine placed in a certain part of factory will need repairs once too often, etc, etc

iii) StrengthDisha bala is assessed to see which direction is overactive or underactive or inactive e.g. a kitchen in South East is correct but still may need some remedy if that is the depth of the building. Similarly, a cut in the structure may be responsible for creating an underactive zone.

Based upon these factors, the spaces are redefined first. Sometimes, renovation may be needed at this point. Then optimum strength is ensured for all directions so that all areas of life remain in balance. A lot of use of 5 elements based remedies are done which basically means that all interior design work is defined and fixed at this point. This includes colour schemes of the room, materials and patterns for floor and walls, furniture layout and fabrics, etc is all done.

A careful blending of colours, shapes, patterns, materials and objects has to be done for RIGHT BALANCE and this requires an eye for detail and a lot of experience.

Note: The plumbing and electrical drawings may also be needed to be analysed at this point and any changes/or remedies without breaking, if applicable are suggested .

"The Structure Of The Vastu Inspired Building Vibrates With Cosmic Energy And The Bodily Instrument Resonates With This Vibration"

- V. Ganapati Sthapati

5. ASSIGNMENT OF SPACES TO INDIVIDUALS: The choice of bedrooms; sleeping positions and /or

working positions for all members of family/ employees in the office is specific to their prakriti and varna (nature and profession) . Not just the suitable direction but also the dimensions of the room matters (Ayaadi calculations ) while assigning rooms and spaces to people staying/working in a building. Identifying the correct Guna-Tattva-Dosha for each individual is done first by the experienced consultant so that if applicable within the limits of space and design, a proper decision to place every individual person is taken.

6. MARMA STHANA: The marma sthana (sensitive energy points) in the building/office are calculated and marked not just for the floor plans but also for the electrical and plumbing drawings. These may be directly responsible for any untoward circumstance in the resident’s life . This is again a very technical aspect and requires great understanding of functioning of human bodily systems in case of a disease and also how to relate it to any event like a machinery breakdown in a factory or a CEO leaving the Company!

7. ASSESSING 45 DEVATAS: The next step involves assessing the 45 devta fields for their strength. Deep study and utter clarity on the part of the consultant is needed here to arrive at the energy field/s needing correction. Discussion with the client becomes necessary here because understanding the problems being faced and the nature of work/business/industry and its processes and sub processes ; the people and infrastructure involved is needed. For industries, factories and bigger establishments, this becomes the all important step because energy correction at the level of relocation of activities and objects , renovation and interiors is often not possible.

8. PROGRAMMING SPACES FOR MANIFESTATION OF DESIRED RESULT: After removing the blockages and balancing the space, this balanced space may then be further programmed to fully manifest what the client wants. Artwork like paintings and sculptures with particular imagery and messages is suggested by the consultant.

THE VEDIC SCIENCE OF JYOTISH is utilised at every step of Vastu Balancing.

9. ASTROVASTU: The horoscope of the individual /owner is studied with respect to the vastu of the house/building while designing, while analysing for the prakriti of individuals and for dosha removal. In this Astrovastu approach, specific objects are removed or placed in specific directions to mitigate the problems and achieve the desired result as per the grahas (planets), dasha (timing system) and gochara (transit) in the janmaKundali.

10. MUHURATA : An added service, Muhuruta (auspicious timing) of activities related to the first digging of land, start of construction, undertaking remedies, dosha nivaran pujas, entering a new house, etc are undertaken by the consultant after studying the panchanga and the horoscope of the owner.


1. Between every set of remedies, a certain time gap is needed for the energies to build up and effects seen before moving to the next stage.

2. The sequence may vary depending upon the type of problem and need of the situation.

3. Not everything is curable because a strong prarabdha (fixed karmic result) will tend to play out to some extent.

4. Corrections have their limitations ...e.g. the bylaws of the area may not allow certain changes recommended by the consultant, etc. It is always better to get a vastu-compliant construction right in the first place.

5. A rented accommodation may have some restrictions and so all remedies may not be possible.

Procedure followed for a new vastu-compliant construction

1. The vastu consultant starts by helping the client select the right plot/land/office for the required purpose. This involves checking the land characteristics 'guna' using standard procedures as enumerated in our texts, checking the tattvas using breath 'swar vigyan' , assessing the vastu doshas and geopathical stresses using dowsing and other instruments, checking the bylaws for a built-up area to see if good entries possible, assessing the surroundings for any severe doshas , etc. Intuitive diagnoses of the land/site is also undertaken by the Acharya.

2. The vastu consultant then works in tandem with the architect right from the first draft to ensure the best design with correct entries, correct utilities and activities for all directions and helps with planning of interiors for good directional strength in all areas. All this is done while maintaining the structural integrity of the building as suggested by architect, fulfilling the functional needs of the space as per client's requirement and creating a cohesive flow in the space which is appealing to the eye as per the suggestions of the interior design

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kanika julka
kanika julka
Dec 20, 2022

Very nice explainations. Thanks 👍🙏🏻

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